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The islands


Burano is a beautiful island in the lagoon of Venice and is one of the most famous and popular destinations …
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Giudecca is an island in the lagoon of Venice, located south of Venice and separated from the Giudecca Canal. The …
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San Michele

San Michele is an island in the Venetian lagoon known for its impressive cemeteries and historic churches. The island is …
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The Lido di Venezia, also known simply as the Lido, is an elongated island that separates Venice from the open …
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Torcello is one of the oldest and most charming islands in the Venice lagoon. Located northeast of Venice, the island …
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Murano is an island in the Venetian lagoon that is famous for its glassblowing art. The island has been the …
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San Giogio Maggiore - (1400 x 600 px)

San Giorgio Maggiore

San Giorgio Maggiore is an island in the Venice lagoon known for its …
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Burano - (1400 x 600 px)

Burano Island

Burano is a small island in the Venice lagoon, known for its colorful …
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Teatro la Fenice - (1400 x 600 px)

Teatro La Fenice

The Teatro La Fenice is one of the most famous opera houses in …
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Peggy Guggenhei Collection - (1400 x 600 px)

Peggy Guggenheim Collection

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection is a museum of modern art in Venice, housed …
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Basilica Santa Maria della Salute - (1400 x 600 px)

Basilica Santa Maria della Salute

The Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute is one of the most famous …
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Accademia (Venice)

Gallerie dell’Accademia

The Gallerie dell’Accademia is an art museum in Venice that houses one of …
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Grand Canal - (1400 x 600 px)

Grand Canal

The Grand Canal is one of the most famous and important waterways in …
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Rialto Bridge - (1400 x 600 px)

Rialto Bridge

The Rialto Bridge (Italian: Ponte di Rialto) is one of the most famous …
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